Home for Youth

The Need

In Honduras – a country of extreme income inequality – over 66% of people live in poverty (World Bank, 2016). We know that education is a powerful tool to lift people out of poverty. But for youth with difficult home lives, the barriers to obtaining a good education can seem impossible to overcome.

Our own director, Enrique, had to overcome tremendous obstacles to complete his education. He was able to improve his own life – and is now able to help others – simply because caring people came into his life at the right times and supported him.

With your help, we want to be that caring and supportive presence for youth who really need it. We want to provide youth with:

  • A safe place to stay whenever they need it
  • Ongoing support in their education
  • A stable, loving presence in their lives

In short, we want to give them all the support they need to reach their full potential.

Pictures of a teenage boy and girl
The same teenage boy and girl in school uniforms

What We're Doing

For the past few years, Enrique and Jackie have been inviting up to three children, ages 10-16, into their own home. These kids often still live with their families part of the time, but are free to stay over whenever they need.

When they’re over, they are still independent – they take care of their own cooking, washing, and chores. But they have a quiet, peaceful environment to study. They have support and mentorship from Enrique and his family, who are in consistent contact with their teachers. And they have someone to celebrate with them when they achieve their goals.

How You Can Help

Together we can provide a safe place for more youth. Because of generous donations of time, money, and expertise, we’ve been able to construct a large home on Enrique’s property.

Once completed, this home will be used to provide a safe place for up to 10 additional children.

The main structure is built, but the home still needs work before children can begin staying there. This includes:

  • Electrical work
  • Plumbing
  • Drywall
  • Flooring
  • Furniture

There will also be ongoing costs like:

  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Food
  • Educational expenses

One-time donations will help us get this safe place up and running, while recurring donations will help us keep it open long-term.

We would also love a visit from anyone who wants to meet our amazing youth and see what we’re doing first-hand!

Your donations and volunteer time are changing these children’s lives and futures. And because we’re here year-round, they’re still getting help even after you leave – that’s why partnering with us creates a meaningful, long-lasting impact.

To follow along with our progress on this project, you can follow Corazón Catracho on Facebook

Teenage boy shows his diploma

A Helping Hand

"I would like it if, just like he's helped me, he could help a lot of other kids. I want them to also find success like I have. Thank you for that – for this opportunity."
–Elmer Salomón Solis
Home for Youth Graduate

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