Clean Water Project

The Need

In Roatan, young families and families who come from the mainland looking for jobs can often only afford to build small homes in unpopulated areas. This means building with whatever materials they can find, on mountainous terrain with little to no infrastructure.

In 2017, we visited one of these new settlements, known in Honduras as colonias. At the time, there were around 250 families living there. There was no electricity, and the only water sources were a stream that flowed during the rainy season – only 5 months of the year – and a couple of holes dug just a few feet into the ground.

This not only made it difficult for families to access water for bathing, laundry, and daily living, but also caused a risk of disease from the impure water.

Young boy collecting dirty water from a stream into a Coke bottle
Enrique presenting a check to community leaders

What We're Doing

After our initial visit, Corazón Catracho spoke with community leaders and offered our support in funding a community well. We were able to raise a little over $10,000. This was used for road improvements and electrical access needed to make bringing water to the community possible.

After our initial contribution, the community came together and worked to raise the additional $10,000 for the well on their own! After the well was drilled, they only needed a pump to be able to access the water.

Our funding had already been used, so Enrique contributed money from his own pocket to pay for the pump.

How You Can Help

Because of generous donations and fundraising efforts, we have been able to reimburse Enrique and provide the necessary funding to complete the well project! Any additional donations to this project will be used for water storage tanks for families who live even farther up the mountain.

For updates on this project and more, you can follow Corazón Catracho on Facebook.

Young boy carry a jug of water on his shoulder

Running Water for the First Time

"Look up there! All those houses are going to get water today. This is just the beginning."
–A community leader
from Colonia Alden Webster

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